Saturday, April 30, 2016


OK, I have decided to use some tools to work better and to improve my productivity and, in some way, the quality of my posts.

I have decided to start using MarsEdit, for my “Tra le Nuvole” blog.

Set-up a NodeJS environment on Intel Edison: all-the-pieces

Working with NodeJS is fun and effective, but… Nodejs new white pantone

Note: this is rather a long post !!!

Coding in JavaScript is easy, and you have many modules that you can use.

For example, I have soon discovered that there is a module for MQTT. With this module you can easily publish MQTT messages to topics and subscribe.

You have also two good libraries, allowing you from a NodeJS program to interface with HW and to read from sensors: MRAA and UPM.

 But to work in NodeJS on Intel Edison is NOT always easy and fun.

 What is the main reason? Well I think it all points to the fact that the Linux distribution (well, it is not actually a distribution) is Yocto.

The NodeJS version shipped with Intel Edison, even if you download the latest available version (very. 3) is 0.10

This is an old version, with many important bugs.

For example, I have discovered soon that using MQTT if you send frequently messages from the board to the MQTT broker (let’s say every 10 sec.) very soon the programs stops working after 10 min.

Some test have showed me that the problem can be solved upgrading Node. It is ok with 0.12 version.

But the upgrade of the Node environment is not easy.

When I talk about environment I mean:

  • NodeJS version
  • The XDK agent (to be able to upload new Node programs directly from Intel XDK to the board, and launch them from the XDK)
  • MRAA with Node bindings (add-ons)
  • UPM with Node Bindings

Actually, now there is not a simple way, and it take a lot of manual work. And as I see, there is not a single, clear document describing how to do it.

In this blog post, I want to document the steps I have undertaken to upgrade NodeJS on Edison Board with an environment fully working.

High level steps:

  1. Flash the board with the latest Yocto version
  2. Configure Edison
  3. Upgrade MRAA and UPM libraries
  4. Upgrade the XDK agent
  5. Download and build the NodeJS (4.2)
  6. Set-up MRAA
  7. Set-up UPM
  8. Install MQTT
  9. Test all together
Doing it for the first time requires half a day !

Flash the board with latest Yocto version.

The only way that always works for me is to use the script, from the command line.

Sometimes, I need to reboot my MAC, before to start the flashing procedure. This is needed to avoid that the flashing procedure timeout while waiting for the FTDI device to re-appear.

You download and unzip the distribution (Yocto Release 3.0), taken from here,

then launch from the command line and connect through USB cables when requested.

It should take about 10 min

Configure Edison

At this point, you need to have the Intel XDK installed on your MAC or Laptop.

Launch the XDK and connect to the Edison using the serial connection (you have still the board connected with the two cables).

From the command line interface, launch

configure_edison —password

configure_edison —name

configure_edison —wifi

to setup a password, the hostname and to connect to the WI-FI network.

Upgrade MRAA and UPM libraries

From XDK, launch, upgrade libraries. 

Upgrade lib

After, you can verify with opkg info 

opkg info mraa

Package: mraa

Version: 1.0.0

Provides: mraa-dev, mraa-dbg, mraa-doc

Replaces: mraa-dev, mraa-dbg, mraa-doc, libmraa, libmraa-dev, libmraa-doc

Conflicts: mraa-dev, mraa-dbg, mraa-doc

Status: install user installed

Architecture: i586

Installed-Time: 1462025597

opkg info upm

Package: upm

Version: 0.6.2

Depends: mraa (>= 0.9.1)

Provides: upm-dev, upm-dbg, upm-doc

Replaces: upm-dev, upm-dbg, upm-doc

Conflicts: upm-dev, upm-dbg, upm-doc

Status: install user installed

Architecture: i586

Installed-Time: 1462025678

Upgrade the XDK agent

Again, from the XDK IDE (see preceding image).

Download and build the NodeJS (4.2)

First of all, remember that the space is limited. Therefore, you need to download the NodeJS distribution and start the build in a directory where you have enough space.

I have decided to create a downloads directory under /home/root

There, you can put the tree obtained from the tarball, downloaded from the NodeJS site.

But, I have hit one (of the many) annoying problem: if you simply download (with wget) the tar.gz file and explode it with tar xvf, when you launch configure on Edison you get a very strange error: the configure script (that is a Python script) complains that it cannot find the nodedownload module.

Well, I have found that the problem is in the tar utility, that doesn’t extract all the files (strange, but this is the reason). Actually, when I have unzipped the tar.gz file on my MAC I have found that the file is there.

Solution: unpack the tarball file on your MAC, and upload all the resulting tree of directories and files on the Edison.

It will take some time, but I have no idea of a better solution.

then, update the XDK agent, from the XDK

The link where I took the tarball is:

Then, go inside the node-v4.2.0 directory and execute



It will take about three hours !

make install

Then, you have

root@thunder10:/# /usr/local/bin/node -v


Update the XDK agent

Then, update the XDK agent, from the XDK IDE.

Upgrade lib 

after, you should be able to upload a NodeJS application directly from XDK, connected to the board through WIFI, to the directory /node_app_list on the Edison board.

Setup mraa

Then, in the directory /node_app_list run

npm install mraa

After this, mraa is correctly linked to Node. In fact, the following blink code works

var mraa = require('mraa'); //require mraa
console.log('MRAA Version: ' + mraa.getVersion()); //write the mraa version to the Intel XDK console

var myOnboardLed = new mraa.Gpio(13); //LED hooked up to digital pin 13 
myOnboardLed.dir(mraa.DIR_OUT); //set the gpio direction to output
var ledState = true; //Boolean to hold the state of Led

periodicActivity(); //call the periodicActivity function

function periodicActivity()
ledState = !ledState; //invert the ledState

Setup of UPM.

Under /home/root/downloads clone upm git repository

git clone

cd upm

mkdir build

cd build



After, to compile only upm_grove (and produce the right jsupm_grove module)

cd src/grove


make install

To test, I have used the Grove Light sensor, attached to A1. This is the code I have used to test:

var groveSensor = require('jsupm_grove');

// Create the light sensor object using AIO pin 0
var light = new groveSensor.GroveLight(1);

// Read the input and print both the raw value and a rough lux value,
// waiting one second between readings
function readLightSensorValue() {
console.log( + " raw value is " + light.raw_value() +
", which is roughly " + light.value() + " lux");
setInterval(readLightSensorValue, 1000);

and this is the output from the program:

Light Sensor raw value is 184, which is roughly 2 lux

Light Sensor raw value is 190, which is roughly 2 lux

Light Sensor raw value is 357, which is roughly 5 lux

Light Sensor raw value is 361, which is roughly 5 lux

It works fine under Node 4.2 !!!

Setup MQTT

Under /node_app_slot execute

npm install mqtt

and this is the code of the program that I have used to test that UPM and MQTT work under NodeJS 4.2

var mqtt = require('mqtt');

var groveSensor = require('jsupm_grove');

var MSG_TOPIC_NAME = 'sensors/SN3/msg';
var CONTROL_TOPIC_NAME = 'sensors/control/SN3';

var SENSOR_ID = 'SN3';
var BROKER_URL = 'mqtt://broker_host';
var SLEEP_TIME = 3000; // 3 seconds
var PIN_TEMP = 0;

// Create the temperature sensor object using AIO pin 0
var temp = new groveSensor.GroveTemp(PIN_TEMP);

// connect to the Broker
var mqtt_client = mqtt.connect(BROKER_URL, {'keepalive' : 60});

// define events and callback
mqtt_client.on('close', handle_mqtt_close);
mqtt_client.on('connect', handle_mqtt_connect);
mqtt_client.on('reconnect', handle_mqtt_reconnect);
mqtt_client.on('error', handle_mqtt_err);
mqtt_client.on('message', handle_messsage);

// the variable that will contain the object for the MQTT msg
// This is the format of the msg: {"id":"SN3","temp":"26"}
var msg = {};
var count = 0;

function handle_mqtt_connect()
console.log("MQTT Connect...");

mqtt_client.subscribe('CONTROL_TOPIC_NAME', handle_mqtt_subscribe);

function handle_mqtt_subscribe(err, granted)
console.log("MQTT Subscribe...");

if (err)

function handle_mqtt_reconnect(err)
console.log("MQTT Reconnect...");

if (err)
mqtt_client.subscribe('CONTROL_TOPIC_NAME', handle_mqtt_subscribe);

function handle_mqtt_err(err)
console.log("MQTT Error...");

if (err)

function handle_mqtt_close()
console.log("MQTT Close...");

function after_publish()
// for now nothing...

function handle_messsage(topic, message, packet)
console.log('Message received!');

console.log('msg = ' + message.toString());

function readSensors()
count = count + 1;
console.log("Iteration n. %d", count);

var rounded_temp = temp.value();

// build the object message
// that will be sent as a JSON message = SENSOR_ID;
msg.temp = rounded_temp.toString();

// send with MQTT QOS = 1
if (rounded_temp)
mqtt_client.publish(MSG_TOPIC_NAME, JSON.stringify(msg), {'qos' : 1}, after_publish);

setTimeout(readSensors, SLEEP_TIME); 


MQTT messages are sent to a Mosquitto broker installed on a Raspberry PI 2, connected to the WIFI network.

To verify that messages are correctly sent and received from the Broker, I have used the Eclipse Paho GUI Client:



Intel IoT, Cloud and MQTT

I really think that MQTT is one of the most important communication protocols for IoT.

People contributing to the Intel IoT Dev Kit has added on Github guides to develop clients for several Cloud Platforms.

Here for example you find the guide for AWS:

I'll give a close look.

Friday, April 29, 2016

Open an Issue

I have posted an issue on github about the problems we have in Edison with NodeJS

Let’s see.

NodeJS and Intel Edison... back to work

I have found some time to dedicate to the issues I have found using NodeJS on Intel Edison.

As I wrote some posts ago, the version shipped with Edison is Node 0.10, that is not really stable.
For example, using MQTT, a simple programs that reads from several sensors and send msgs to a MQTT Topic, hosted on RPI, stops working after about 10 minutes (it depends on the frequency of sends).

I have tried to upgrade to at least Node version 0.12.7. But the upgrade of the entire environment is not easy.

I asked on Intel Communities, and this is the answer from an Intel guy:

"Hello LSaetta,
As you mentioned, mraa and upm are not compatible with the later versions of Node.JS. There are methods to make mraa work with newer versions of node, however they don't work at 100%. So, my best suggestion is that you submit an issue to the mraa and upm developers in or".

Manually you can do the upgrade, finding a combination that works, but it is really NOT easy.

I'll post an issue and ... hope Intel wants to really improve support of NodeJS.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

New IoT kit from Intel

I have discovered today (yes, with some delay, I've been busy recently) that Intel has released a new IoT kit at the end of March.

Lot of interesting things. For example, now MRAA support explicitely (as they say) Node 4.1.1.

I have to try again to upgrade the OS on my Edison and test upgrading Node to 4.1.1
Hope this time it will be less painful.

Friday, April 15, 2016

Internet and the past: looking back

One of the nice things about Internet is that the Net make it easier to find everything, also coming from the past

here is a list of the paper born (partially, ehi, my contribution is a small part) from my Thesis

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Nice comparison between Amazon and Microsoft Azure IoT Cloud Platform

Nice article:

Amazon AWS IoT

Yes, you need to be well aware of the features and the way to work with the most used Cloud IoT platforms.

Yesterday evening I had some spare time (well, sort of) and I decided to give a try to Amazon AWS IoT.

I have developed a quick example, written in NodeJS, that sends MQTT msgs from my IoT gateway (based on RPI2) to Amazon IoT.

Documentation is not perfectly clear, but the example has worked. Maybe I'll write a longer post trying to clarify all the steps needed.

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Back to Intel 386

This morning I was giving a closer look at how it works the ISS for Edison, the development environment based on Eclipse, to assist in development of C/C++ programs for Edison

This is the result of the "file" command execution launched on one of the exe produced,

BlinkTest1: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.32,

Well, I know that Edison is an Intel 32 bit board... but it is strange, years after, to read 80386

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Visual Integration Tools

On my IoT Gateway two components have a great importance:
  • NodeJS
  • Node-Red
Normally, an IoT Gateway has several task to do. Amongst the others:
  • Register locally values received from Sensor Nodes;
  • Transform message format
Node-Red is a great integration tool, based on NodeJS, but with a Visual Designer.

For example, with this simple flow, I take a msg from a MQTT Topic, I do some simple transformations and then I store the readings from sensors in a MySQL table.


Monday, April 4, 2016

Containers, DevOps...

This is another area that I find really interesting nowadays.

Flexibility, agility, efficient use of resources in the IT world today can be satisfied only by adopting efficient and effective virtualization technologies.

Docker is today "on the radar" of many people and organization. A really nice way to "containerize application", both for isolation in consolidation, both for distribution.
Docker is for Linux.
Solaris has for long time had a similar virtualization technology: Solaris Containers (also known as zones).

I have found, by chance, this really interesting article:

Maybe worth the time to read.