Saturday, December 20, 2014



Another great experience with Coursera.
Coursera is a terrific idea: deliver high quality training to hundreds of thousands of people through Internet.
And they have even deviced a way to identity people submitting their exercises, in such a way that if you pass they can deliver you a Verified Certificate.

It is not easy to pass. I have to say that even if I have worked in Java for more than 10 years, and even if some courses are for beginners, it has been hard work.

My first experiment with Signature Track has been really a success: for only 35 dollars I have
- attended a first class training on Android HandHeld Programming
- succeeded
- and now I have my verified certificate

Good... nice..... useful.

World class training from US Universities. It's there.

Have a look


Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Open approach to the Cloud.

Cloud Computing.

Cloud is a really interesting subject today. i've not given recently a look to Gartner Hype Cicle, but I think that we're almost in the maturity era for Cloud.

I started learning about Cloud, and thinking about it, several years ago. I remember exactly why  I was working on Cloud: we were at an important meeting, in Nice, and I and a group of my collegues were starting defining our approach and strategy about Cloud.
At that time, Cloud was enough crafted, as an idea, but products were not exactly there.

Now, situation is far better. The most important player in this sector have their Cloud platforms and their offering, both for private and both for public cloud.
But look at the situation from the point of view of big providers, for example Big Telco. What should they do? Standardize on a single vendor offering, or have multiple disconnected platforms?

The solution is to have a Cloud Management Platform with the following characteristics:
  • Open
  • Capable of driving different technologies, from different vendors
  • With a modular Architecture
  • Well established
  • Well documented

This is what they call now A Clod Operating System.
This is one possible definition for Openstack.

More technically openstack is a Cloud Platform, made by a set of coordinated projects, with contribution from all the members of a foundation.
Openstack gives you a foundation for Iaas.

With openstack you can almost easily setup a Cloud Platform that enable you to share you computing, storage and networking resources. You can use several technologies for Hypervisor, for storage, for networking and have a single, unified control plane.
You have an open API, rest based, with which you can crate your VM, create volumes and networks.
You have a well crafted and easy to use GUI.
Virtualization of resources enable to share them efficiently and in a secure way. Many tenants, with secure isolation.

In my first experiment I have been able to setup a training environment, based on Ubuntu, in a few hours.

It is cool.

C'e' sempre un inizio.

Questo e' il primo posto del mio nuovo blog.

Non so realmente cosa io voglia dire.... O se ho qualcosa di importante da dire.

In quale lingua scrivere i post?

Sicuramente, laddove voglio rivolgermi ad una platea piu' ampia, scriverò in inglese. 
Alcuni post li scriverò in italiano.